Sunday, March 13, 2011

Water: Glutton's for Punishment .........HIM

Remember there is always that guy ....or  one ,or two or three that you KNOOOOOW are no good for you and are giving you the hardest timme?

This can exsit on many levels. When talking or that getting to know you stage, hes that guy who is not as available as the other one's are, not consistent at all but when you  do finally get to speak to him he's "so nice" "so cute" or ,"so easy to talk to" . Oh boy. At the next level , hes the one you are dating. Just dating. Yet you know in your mind he  just does things to you that none of the others .If there are even others . He shows up late, or doesn't call like he should and rather doesn't seem as into it as you do except when you are together  and YET this is the one  you chase because he , makes your toes curl, has those beautiful eyes , or whatever it is he has going for him that has caused you to not use your better judgement. In the relationship level, he  cheats, doesn't appreciate you , or  lays his hands on you . Yet  you stay because "we have a kid","I don't think i can do any better and we have so much history and last but not least "I-love-him" ( eye roll)

Why do we do it ? Why do we allow these things to happen, people to treat us this way and we stand there and though not with our words   , with our actions, we willingly take the abuse and allow our minds , souls and bodies to go through the punishment and strain as if  life isn't hard enough.  Now I have been there more than once . I complained about the guys to everyone I could. My work friends, my guy friends, my girlfriends but I took it. I took it and dealt with it like I liked it. However, I came to the conclusion that I , am a glutton for punishment.


  1. Ive been guilty of this


  2. I spent five years using the "we have history" line...five years I will NEVER get back!
