Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Let's Talk about Text

We all do it.  In our generation, we are technology buffs.  The newest devices have us drooling as if it were a double portion of filet mignon topped with herbed garlic butter.  Needless to say, we are "texters".  But, have you ever met someone new and that is their sole form of communication?  I'm talking about the guy that when he calls you don't even know his voice, because over the past month you've sent each other exactly 58,945 texts yet have to scroll to the bottom of your call history when you want to call him.  I've learned to despise the chronic texter, because there is so much more of a connection when you can hear inflections in a persons voice.  Don't get me wrong, I text, bbm, email, and all of the above.  I do believe, however, that when meeting someone new, one should take the time out to talk to them.  Surround yourself with their laughter, embrace their voice.  Yea yea, I know what you're thinking... Fiyah is old school, next she's going to be talking about writing love letters on... gasp, Actual Paper?!?  Guess what, I still do write love letters so you can call me what you want; and, if you need some stationary and a pen, hollatme.


  1. Hey I like the "old" way!..LOL

  2. Don't get me wrong I like to text but I love running my mouth as well. When I first started dating "Papa" we text for about 1day, lol and the next day he called me bc I needed to hear his tone, laugh and all that good stuff! But some people just text all damn day. I say to them "don't ur fingers hurt". Lol
