Sunday, July 31, 2011

It seemed so simple 10 years Ago (water)

10 years ago, It really didn't matter how old I was , however, I remember what I imagined for myself  right now. I imagined meeting the love of  my life in college, being married by 25 and having my first child at 27.  This was my plan. There was nothing or no one who could tell me that  this was not going to happen.  Now that I look back and  it hasn't happened.  Not one bit of it.  I can't help but wonder , why did I think it would be so easy for me? Why did I pick these numbers out of the sky ?   Well there is a long answer , and a short answer for that.  For the purposes of time, we are going to go with the short answer.

Well I thought about it in terms of school and my dreams. My life was always first and foremost about school and work. It still is. My goal in life until 2005 was to be a lawyer. I  figured I would meet the man of my dreams in law school, and wed get married after I graduated (25) and I would wait 2 years to have a baby as I had a career to start. It was a cute plan however, you don't just meet that person when you are ready. It happens when it is supposed to happen.  

I still struggle with that. I try to force things. I always try to apply the same rules that applies to school to my personal life. That's just a bad idea.  I figure if I want to do it and I'm ready to then it should just happen . I am working on it.   In interim,  Water will be splashing her thoughts feelings and experiences on this blog. Till next time.

1 comment:

  1. Don't try to force anything, it won't be a comfortable fit.
