Because I am running out of stories and I am slowly getting bored , I decided to try my hand at online dating . I started speaking to one guy and I wasn't that attracted to him from what I saw but he seemed nice . I decided I wanted to hear his voice so I gave him my phone number . We talked on the phone and he asked me why I was single . I told him I meet crazy guys . I mentioned the guy from computer love and one other previous posting . He then spoke about girls trying to use him for money , girls not being too interested and his last relationship . He went on and on about how they lived together , why they broke up and how silly he thought it was. He went on and on and on and even mentioned their sex life . Truth be told, I didn't want to hear all of that . It made me pity him and also think he was effeminate . He then went on to tell me he lived at home , he had friends that he was smarter than and brought up his views on gay marriage . How would you feel if the first phone conversation you had with a guy was like this ? I mean I listen , I'm good at it but when you are telling me about how dumb your friends are , I'm not sure I really want to be in your circle as you can choose your friends. So if your friends are so bad, why do you continue to have them in your life ? I'm thinking he needs a therapist so I told him.
I then told him he wasn't for me . He proceeded to get whiny and ask why ? His exact words were "why don't you like me ?". What would you have answered ? I chose not to answer . My thoughts were , I just met you and you're asking questions that even I would not ask at this point in my life .
He told this stranger a lot . I think people should think about what they disclose to people in the beginning . Perhaps he said too much . Wouldn't you agree ?