I waited all summer for this man to come back . The summer was ending and the fall had began . It was time to harvest my pumpkin prince . He text me to let me know he was back . I spent the whole summer waiting , wanting , yearning and dreaming about seeing him again . He was what I like and I was finally going to see where it was going to go . In hindsight, I really did notice he did not show much interest and I thought that because it was the summer , so i thought that he needed to have his summertime freedom - well at least I did . So maybe I set myself up for failure because I thought for once I wouldn't be kissing a frog But he was ever so froggy . He was especially proficient in leaping . However, let me continue . I went to go see him and I'm not going to lie I was prepared to give him more than a little kiss for my happily ever after and he knew it . So there I was in his apartment watching something boring as hell on television and he asked me into his room . I went . I kissed him maybe twice and then he leaped off the bed and I looked away . In a matter of seconds he had leapt out of his clothing and was completely in the buff . In the words of Martin , "hold up ! hold up! Seriously !? What!? Obviously no one told him that was NOT ok . Simultaneously I was afraid and confused . I was afraid because every date rape
Movie I have seen , the girl has her back turned and the guy is naked . I was scared . Then I was like why did he think it was ok . Now I'm not saying I'm bad or anything but he did not have a 6 pack or a large member . So I don't know why he thought leaping out of his clothes was a good idea . Needless to say I froze . I couldn't give it up . But he saw nothing wrong to show me his nakedness. The funny thing is he is the one who stopped talking to me . He did me a fAvor . Adios sir get nakedness .